Building a Basic Math Tutor Assistant with OpenAI and Python [Beginners]
We will create a basic assistant following the documentation in OpenAI:
Ensure you have the following ready:
- A Google account
- Access to Google Colab
Colab with Full Code
Explanation step by step:
Step 1: Setting Up the Environment
We begin by importing the necessary tools. In AI, these tools are called libraries, which are bundles of pre-written code that help us build complex programs quickly.
# Wave your wand to install the OpenAI potion
!pip install openai
Step 2: Initializing the OpenAI Client
Next, we’ll set up our connection to OpenAI’s API, the interface that lets our program tap into OpenAI’s algorithms.
# Import OpenAI
from openai import OpenAI
# Initialize the OpenAI client with your API key
client = OpenAI(api_key="your-api-key")
Remember to keep your API key confidential.
Step 3: Creating an AI Assistant
Now, let’s define our AI assistant’s role. We’re programming it to be a Math Tutor that can interact with users and solve problems.
# Define an AI assistant
assistant = client.beta.assistants.create(
name="Math Tutor",
instructions="Answer mathematical questions for students",
"type": "code_interpreter"
# Output assistant details
Step 4: Communication Setup
A thread acts as a container for the entire conversation history, enabling a structured exchange of messages, Each message, whether a query from the user or a response from the assistant, is sequentially added to this thread, maintaining the flow of dialogue. The use of a thread is metaphorically closer to initiating a dedicated line of communication.
# Create a thread for the assistant
thread = client.beta.threads.create()
# Output thread details
Step 5: Interacting with the Assistant
Let’s pose a math problem to our assistant. We craft the query and await the assistant’s solution.
# Insert a message into the thread with a math problem
message = client.beta.threads.messages.create(,
content="Solve this problem: 3x+11=14"
# Output the message
Step 6: Running the Assistant and Obtaining a Response
We activate the assistant and capture the response. It’s similar to running a program and waiting for the output.
# Run the assistant to get a response
run = client.beta.threads.runs.create(,
# Retrieve the assistant's response
assistant_answer = client.beta.threads.runs.retrieve(,
# Output the assistant's response
Step 7: Reviewing the Conversation
Just as developers review logs to understand what happened during a program’s execution, we can review the conversation with our assistant.
# List all messages in the thread
messages = client.beta.threads.messages.list(
# Output the conversation history
for message in reversed(
print(f" role: {message.role} - {message.content[0].text.value}")
Congrats! You’ve just programmed an AI Math Tutor using OpenAI and Google Colab. This is just the beginning — experiment with different types of problems and expand your assistant’s capabilities. Happy coding!